A creative match-making success story.

We’re Chris and Loz, or Loz and Chris. We can’t settle on who’s name comes first.

Together, we’ve got 19 years of ad-land experience, a bunch of flashy awards, and made work for some of Australia’s biggest brands.

It all started back in 2022 when Chris left behind the stunning beaches and affordable houses of Perth, for the big smoke of Sydney.

As fate would have it, freshly partnerless Chris and partner-seeking Loz, both applied for a role at M&C Saatchi. A match made in LinkedIn applications.

Two years on, we’ve built a national brand from the ground up, relaunched two Woolworths businesses, tutored AWARD School, worked many late nights, drank many more beers, and we’re still together.

Big Chris, art director.

Chris almost became a Civil Engineer, but responsibly threw it away for a super stable, high-paying job in creativity. Smart move Chris.

He studied graphic design and animation, then scored a job in advertising after placing at AWARD school. He’s worked as an Art Director ever since, at agencies like Clemenger BBDO and Longtail.

He’s also given back to the industry whenever possible, as a 3x AWARD School tutor, Youngbloods Chairman, AdSchool lecturer and volunteer mentor. He’s even won a Gruen Transfer pitch.

Little Loz, copywriter.

After an expensive Masters in Advertising and many interships, one hired Lauren as a social media expert. Turns out being a Millennial, was the only job experience needed.

Loz went on to work as a social creative at We Are Social, Saatchi & Saatchi, and founded the digital creative department at Australia’s biggest media agency, EssenceMediacom.

But one day after re-watching an episode of Mad Men, she decided to follow in Peggy’s footsteps by applying for a copywriter role at a ‘traditional’ agency. She’s never looked back.

Outside of her day job, Loz has tutored for AWARD School, lectured on social creative at UTS, graduated from CopySchool, and is currently competing in Cannes Young Lion. Fingers crossed.

Brands we’ve worked on over the years…