Avivo | Digital

The R-word is used once every
5 seconds on Twitter.

Cannes Lion | Creative Use of Data 2019

The One Show | Social Media 2018

CLIO | Silver Health Services 2018

CLIO | Silver Direct 2018

Ad Stars | 2019

Award Awards | 2018

PADC Skulls | 2 x Gold 2018

People wouldn’t use the word ‘retard’ in front of someone with a disability. Yet it’s said every 5 seconds on Twitter.

So we created a first of it’s kind Twitter bot that detected any use of the ‘R word’ and replied instantly to that tweet with a video message from an Australian living with disability.

They were also directed to a microsite with a real-time ‘R word’ counter, with information about Avivo’s mission and the option to show their support on social.


Everyday Mobile | Grocery Savings are Calling


St John Ambulance | CPR Hero